I was wondering if there is a way of doing this word cloud for a group of people (a lab for example)?
Theoretically this would not be difficult to implement.
Wish it didn't break up gene names though. I get a lot of glycogen, synthase, kinase but no acronyms.
This could be implemented in a manual way to allow the user to specify what words to group. It would be trickier to automatically merge words with stemming but that's also an option.
Scholar Googler only uses titles. Can it be modified to derive words from the abstracts too?
It's possible but not trivial due to limitations imposed by the Google Scholar servers. If there's enough interest, I may be able to add this as a "premium" feature to limit the amount of traffic.
Can ORCID be used to obtain the list of papers for a user?
I've looked into it. The implementation is possible as an add-on for PubmedCloud but the implementation will take a bit of effort.
Have you considered any other source for creating the word cloud? For example, ResearchGate does allow one to submit presentations and posters.
Interesting idea. I may be able to add this as a feature if there is enough interest.